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I was born in Torino and studied at St. Martin's College of Arts London for my foundation course and Maidstone College of arts Kent for My BA in Fine arts painting and printmaking.

I have worked in the textile world based in Milano, where I have collaborated with many artistic projects, including design and color tuition. I have exhibited my work in Italy, England, and France and have collaborated with land art projects, public mural painting, painting holidays for adults and children in Italy and abroad. From 2002 to 2019, I have collaborated with Ied Istituto Europeo di Design Milano as a color teacher for textiles, fashion design, and jewelry design undergraduates and master class students.

The alphabet of colors and how it affects mood is what my work is about.

Color relationships between shapes, either in my figurative work, or abstract.

I have enjoyed to work for private commissions

and for public spaces, involving school children for mural projects, fashion design and jewelry design students: the atmosphere created by a student's group research it's open perspectives are a great source of inspiration for my work.

I am very motivated to share the process of painting in watercolor, a holy life companion, rather than working alone.

The mystery of life and the desire to comunicate and bond as we share our quest for that beauty able to quench the heart's thirst for loving light is the reason that has inspired me me to teach since my coming of age.

Encouraging students of all ages to commit to the search of their specific and unique way of expression, an engaging process that requires courage and forgiveness helps me along my personal journey and human growth.

Other sources of inspirations are some of my ealry childhood memories, a time where i lived a constant supply of synesthetic experiences seemingly still very close to the surface, often in interaction with my present and eager to manifest their chromatic echo.


It is by means of nostalgic melancholia or enamoured sweetness that such influences filter through my color palette.

The spontaneous organization of form around light in the ecomomy of flowers, plants, fruit and vegetable's form, the effects of time over landscape, both urban and natural, stoneware and blown glass are wonders that fascinate and attract my eye and arouse a trance quality desire to respond to their appeal with a dancing paintbrush.

Watercolor allows me that dance. A trio performance operated by more o less transparent vibrating washes, textured paper and variously shaped paintbrush.

I work from life, travel sketching, from my photographic records and other times as during the pandemic letting the paintbrush tell its tale in total abandonment. Lending it no other formal intention except to lead me towards an open horizon in gratitude.

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Next Exhibitions

"RespirArt 2022"

23-30th of July

Pampeago Park, Trento

Latest Exhibitions

Esseri - Beings

Anna de Carlo kindly invited me to participate to the” being” collective art exhibition in Milano

On 30th September 2021.

 The city recovering after the great summer heat was reconnecting to the Autumn’s perspective, Covid19 relenting at the time allowed for us as a group of painters, illustrators, sculptors to share and confront our work for two weeks in the lively Affori area surrounded by ex-industrial buildings converted into creative offices, multiethnic residents, lively playgrounds and world round grocery stores. The title of the exhibition intended us to investigate the heart of our research and the sense of being alive. 

During the pandemic my work has revolved around the act of breathing in connection with the watercolour painting gesture in evoking landscape from memory. Looking at this work makes me feel grateful for light, earth, air and nostalgic of an unspeakable love.



Collaboration with “RespirArt” in Bolzano 2021

The Cavalese artist Marco Nones and curator Beatrice Calamari have kindly invited me to participate to the first edition of the collaboration of their mountain art park with “Bolzano in fiore” the city’s yearly floral festival.

I was attributed a narrow alley facing the major’s palace square where I was able to install 7 leaf made shirts hanging across the alley pegged onto the street lantern’s chains. The green shirts had white feather wings emerging from their necks and arms as the transformation of the wild swans is told in the brothers’ Grimm tale. The northern Italy’s beautiful city on the border with the further northern Germanic culture floral festival invitation had made me realize a perhaps deeper message in the well-loved children’s tale. A sense of how it might happen that a sister’s natural weaving care could regain her brotherhood their human forms.

Photo by Eugenio Del Pero