Art Courses

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“Color research, painting and drawing can help us observe life in depth and express a connection between our inner selves and others via an international emotional language beyond words.

I have introduced and guided and supported people of all ages and backgrounds to the exploration of their art skills and colour principles both online, indoors or “en plain air”in Italy and abroad.

Courses are in italian, french and english.”

Next Workshop

07/16-07/23-2023 Summer Watercolor and Yoga Workshop, contact me for further information and prices.

Watercolor Course at Bolsena Lake, hosted by the Association Convento Santa Maria del Giglio October 2022

To get further information and the brochure about the course please contact me at

Convento Santa Maria Del Giglio, Via Madonna del Giglio 49, 01023 Bolsena

Latest workshop

07/03-07/10-2021 Summer Watercolor and Yoga Workshop, contact me for further information.

07/03-07/10-2021 Summer Watercolor and Yoga Workshop, contact me for further information.

Chateau De Ratilly, 89520, Treigny, France-

Chateau De Ratilly, 89520, Treigny, France-

A short journey into Color, Asolo, Italy

A short journey into Color, Asolo, Italy